Zendesk themes and tailor-made solutions for your help center

Trusted by 5,500+ companies worldwide

Most experienced team
to leverage your help center

View portfolio


Cost reduction

Cheaper than in-house development.


Net promoter score

Our customers recommend our products and services.


Decline in tickets

More users solve their problems with self-service instead of tickets.


Team productivity

Employees have more time on complex issues and other tasks.

Zendesk themes created by professional designers



Demo available
Powerful theme with a prominent FAQ section


Demo available
Ultra-modern design with a wave pattern


Demo available
FAQ-style theme with an accordion menu


Demo available
Classic theme with a standard help center structure
Lotus One

Lotus One

Demo available
Side navigation and prev/next buttons included


Demo available
Playful theme with a big hero unit and a sticky header

Add more features
with extensions

Side Navigation

Side Navigation

Display categories, sections, and articles on the inner pages of your help center.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Highlight titles of relevant sections as users scroll articles in your Zendesk help center.


Show your end-users simple, customizable, and responsive notifications.
Contacts Widget

Contacts Widget

Show various options for contacting your support team
with one click.
Formatting Components

Formatting Components

Make your content more attractive and convenient to read with formatting options.
Prev Next Buttons

Prev Next Buttons

Follow the sequential structure of the help center with prev/next buttons in articles.
Community Hot Posts

Community Hot Posts

Display the latest six posts from your Zendesk Community without duplication.
Server Status

Server Status

Keep your end-users informed about the real-time status of your servers.
Video Gallery

Video Gallery

Make the customer experience more engaging and memorable with embedded videos.
Extra Level of Content

Extra Level of Content

Group categories into one more level on Zendesk Guide Professional.
Multiple Templates for Pages

Multiple Templates for Pages

Different look and feel of category, section, and article pages on your help center.

Tailor-made help center
for every business

Discover more
Hims / Hers
League of Legends
guild of guardians

Let’s see what
our customers say

{[{quote.author}]}, {[{quote.company}]}

Globally recognized brands have redesigned their Zendesk help centers with  Lotus Themes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we install the theme?

You can install your new Zendesk theme fast and in a free manner. Simply follow these easy steps in the instruction. Alternatively, you can order our free installation service.

Can we make changes to the theme ourselves?

You can brand and customize the theme on your own. Our templates have advanced tools for basic changes (colors, fonts, hero image, icons & homepage layout). You don’t need coding skills as you make changes in the editor.

If you’re familiar with HTML and CSS, you can also make any Zendesk customization at any time. You get access to the code that’s easy to read and modify for other developers. If you don’t want to spend time on Zendesk customization and get everything done fast and to the highest standard, you can order the Customization service from us.

How do we get the theme after the purchase?

In 3-5 minutes, you get an email with an archive where you will find files for importing into the help center. You can customize the theme as you wish before publishing.

Will the themes be updated?

Yes, most Zendesk updates are added automatically. In case something has to be added manually, you can do it yourself or contact us for help. You can also get one of our protection plans, and we’ll take care of all Zendesk updates and functionality that aren’t added automatically.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all global debit, credit cards, PayPal payments, and bank transfer. Find detailed instructions in our help center.

Can I change the theme or get a refund if I don’t like it?

Since LotusThemes.com is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods, we do not make replacements and refunds once the order is complete and the product is sent. However, we realize that exceptional circumstances can take place. So we approve refund requests only in these force majeure situations.

How to build a help center capable of reducing tickets?
Read the white paper
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Thank you!

We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

In the meantime, you may look at the examples of Zendesk help centers we customized.

Bonus: We’ve emailed you “Zendesk Help Center Best Practices from CX Leaders”

Get a Personalized Solution for Your Help Center

Answer 7 questions and get an exact quote. It will take 2-3 minutes, and you'll get a custom help center solution that solves your business problems.

Bonus: Get a compilation of Help Center Best Practices from CX Leaders

What is your Help Center URL, if you have one?

Where can we find your website? *

Add a link to your mockup if you have it.

What problems do you want to solve with the help center?

The better you describe your current situation, the more personalized solution we’ll offer you.

What is important to you in this help center project?

Please describe what is important to you to make a decision (except the price).

Which of our themes would suit your brand best?

Choose as many themes as you like. You may skip the question if you aren’t sure.

What is your budget range for this project?

The higher the budget is, the more customized your help center can be. Lower budgets allow you to get more standard changes.

Enter your corporate email to get your personalized solution and quote

Email *
Name Phone number (optional)
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