- Supports all Zendesk features
- Microformat that helps you improve SEO
- Adjusting settings like colors and layout without code
- Free lifetime updates
- Free to use in all branded help centers
- Full access to the source code
- Content formatting options (tabs, accordions, styles, callout blocks, etc.)
5 styles included:
About the theme
Mink is an ultra-modern Zendesk theme that features a wave pattern with minimalist design. The homepage has a non-standard layout with custom blocks overlapping the hero unit. The search icon in the header allows your users to look for the required information on any page.
Customizable Main Page
You can choose one of three page layouts or mix them
Custom blocks
Custom blocks are static links to any pages on your help center or your main website. It’s possible to change the link, icon, title, and description (depends on a theme) in each of them. You can hide a specific block or all of them in the theme settings and add more through customization.
Internal Pages
All the pages are redesigned to provide great user experience