Top 8 Email Template Examples for Zendesk

Are you looking for design theming for your email template? Lotus Themes helps customize your Zendesk email templates your way.We offer an email branding service that includes logo change, color choice, header and footer customization, social media links, and more to better your customer support experience.

Together, we will help you get better engagement with customized and personalized messages that reinforce your customer’s trust in your brand.

Some of our top Zendesk email template examples include:

1. Atira

Customized Zendesk Email Template for Atira


Atira is an international organization that offers a vast range of apartment options and other first-class facilities for a supportive and engaging student experience. The company helps residents to succeed academically while maintaining a healthy life balance.

For this student living and accommodation provider, we made customizations on its email templates, including adding the Atira Student Living logo at the template’s header.

We made the template plain white with a dark shade of cyan at the footer. Atira’s customers can also contact the company using the CTA at the bottom of the email template for more inquiries.

2. Zipcar

Customized Zendesk Email Template for Zipcar

Zipcar is an American car-sharing company that provides automobile reservations to its members. The car-sharing service provides on-demand access to cars to its members around the globe.

For Zipcar, Lotus Themes added the Zipcar logo right below where the customer types in his/her query. The logo is centered on Zipcar’s official green color scheme to make it pop out. We also added the Zipcar call to action, social media platforms to learn more about the service.

You will find both the Google Play Store and Apple Store links to the official Zipcar application.

3. Climb Credit

Customized Zendesk Email Template for Climb

Climb Credit is a student lending company that identifies, assesses, and partners with schools to help people reach their goals by offering them financial support. The company also provides affordable, fast, and friendly payment options for its users.

For Climb Credit’s Zendesk email template, we went all simple by using a white color scheme. We added the CLIMB logo and a section to allow customers to write their queries below it.The template also has Climb Credit’s social media platforms at its base with clear calls to action.

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Customized Zendesk Email Template for Jarmon

Here’s your number one online shop for Spanish ham, wines, delicatessen & tapas, and other gift ideas for gourmets. allows customers to order delicacies from Spain and transported to them directly by traditional producers.

For, our team used the company’s official logo at the header of the template. We also added the official corporate colors to make it look more professional and appealing to customers.

At the footer of the template, you will see’s official social platforms and “Visit Our Website” CTA on a black background to make them stand out more from the rest of the template.

5. Le Petit Ballon


Customized Zendesk Email Template for Le Petit Ballon

Here’s a great French company with a mission to make wine more accessible to everyone. Le Petit Ballon unearths the best wines for you to enjoy. You never have to choose wine by chance again.

We added their logo at the header of the email template and used a white color scheme. You will find the company’s social media platforms at the bottom of the template and its official physical address.

The Le Petit Ballon email template is simple yet elegant in every way to make email communication easier and more professional.

6. OptiSigns

Optisigns email branding

OptiSigns is a digital signage software that operates in the cloud, enabling users to effortlessly generate and oversee dynamic content for their business across various screens or TVs.

7. Vitalsource

VitalSource email branding

VitalSource stands out as a premier provider of educational technology solutions. Their dedication lies in assisting partners in crafting, delivering, and disseminating affordable, accessible, and influential learning opportunities on a global scale.

8. Infinite Blue

Infinite blue email branding

Infinite Blue offers enterprise resilience solutions that empower you to anticipate risks, forecast impacts, communicate effectively, and emerge stronger than ever before.


Work with us at Lotus Themes for a more professional Zendesk customized email template experience. Learn more about us, our products, and our services. We believe that relationships are critical to every business.

The Zendesk email template examples above are evidence that your business is in great hands. Contact us for more information on email templates today.

Together, we help you create a frictionless experience for your customers for the most strategic impact.

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